Tenmou Announces Newest Batch of Bahraini Entrepreneurs

As part of its strategic objectives to develop and bolster the next generation of Bahraini business leaders, Tenmou, the Kingdom’s First ‘Business Angels’ today announced its latest batch of Bahraini entrepreneurs who have received an investment boost to commence business. Mr. Sami Jalal, the Chairman of Tenmou, introduced the entrepreneurs to the local media during an exclusive meet and greet session held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

The tech savvy start-ups in the latest batch include: uTrack, the Kingdom’s first company to provide a unique way of covering sports events, such as car, bike and horse races using go-Pro cameras, the world’s most versatile cameras (Hasan ALDOY Creator and Founder). Spades Studio, the first multi-use photography studio in Bahrain where products such as cars and furniture can be photographed. The studio will also provide a ‘members only’ space for hiring cutting-edge equipment and studio space.

Onebox Solution, aims to enhance education tools for teachers and students, by converting books into e-books; Eat: is an app which makes dining at 5-star restaurants in Bahrain more accessible, through an online reservation system. Finally Fish Transporter: provides a unique service for fish lovers. The app enables customers to have fresh seafood delivered to their doorstep. The fish is cleaned, filleted or even cooked and delivered as per the need of the consumer.

Sami Jalal, Chairman of Tenmou, commenting on the announcement said: “Continuing with our pledge to enhance the start-up experience for promising Bahraini ventures, we at Tenmou are excited to see a new crop of digital businesses being established in the Kingdom. These companies are part of our country’s promising digital sector and will be paving the way for many more’.


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